lineage holder

I’ve been wanting to attend Khandro Rincophe for some time now and she happened to be at retreat center in northern california this past weekend. Gomde Retreat center in Leggett has also been on my radar for quite some time so it was auspicious that I was able to visit this wonderful place and see this amazing teacher. I think she is one of most knowledgeable and articulate tibetan lama in modern times and to be frank, the bulk of her teaching was sort of over my head. It’s been quite some time since I […]


Trial Run

So i took of on Aug 21st with a sense of urgency to get the hell out of the city. I had been packing all day and although i had been ‘packing’ the last several days prior to departure, i suspect that i wouldn’t account for all the things i think i want on the road. i had already decided to come back to oakland the following week to fly out to see uma since i wasn’t going to see her at the end of september. So, i pretty much frame the next 5 days or so […]



Recently went to Austin again to visit my college roommate and family. It’s probably the 4-5th time I’ve been to there and the city is growing on me. There is something sweet about being able to swim in fresh water river and being able to see the city line. I wish I wasn’t injured, otherwise, I would have check out the trails and really get to know the city from the aspect of being in nature. Still, it definitely feels pretty lush in the part of Austin I was visiting. Anyway, while I was hanging out with […]


Death Valley Spring Break

i know i’ve been to death valley along time ago but to be honest, this time around, I got to appreciate it on a whole new level. Of course, my feelings around death valley on this trip reminded me of my internal journey in death valley a few years ago in my vision quest. By the end of the trip, the energy of the desert had grown on my considerably. there is something magical about the vast expanse and stillness of the desert. there were times when i am reminded of being at burning man when you […]



in my typical fashion, i didn’t think too much about the implication of signing up for 120 mile race at high elevation when in reality i was wholly unprepared for such a physical feat. As I spoke to other participants on how they prepare for the adventure, my suspicion was confirmed that I was mostly out of my league. Which is not to say that there weren’t other less prepared racers and when compared to them, i would have done fine. of course in hindsight, i did pretty good considering how little i train. pretty good meaning […]

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