of performance reviews and meaningless paperwork

i am continuing my purging process and tonight i got around to my file cabinet. granted, i have really only one drawer of meaningful stuff to go through, so it wasn’t going to be that big of a deal time wise. still, as i am flipping through some of my paperwork, i can’t help but to glimpse a little history of myself. looking at my first resumes out of college crack me up a bit. a lot of manual labor jobs and then i had my big time computer job at CAL and that change the course […]

2006-01-07T02:00:38-08:00Tags: |

lost in movement

i moved back into my old room tonight and i took the opportunity to throw away even more things. i am making pretty good progress in downsizing all the things i have. i am on the verge of off loading my entire cd collection since i pretty tired of tiring to redigitalize shit at a higher sampling rate. yea, it’s anal and it’s not good use of my time but it’s my only addiction at this point. one thing that i haven’t quite found the heart to throw away is some of those darn love letters that […]

2006-01-06T03:14:45-08:00Tags: |

shaping values

it’s funny how i used to laugh at corporate mission statements and community mantras. it seem so recent and easier to be on the other side of the paycheck when the yardstick just meant producing tangible results. these days, the bottom line is still a yardstick of measurement but we’re beginning to be really acutely aware on the power of culture. culture as it relates to a community of people that supposedly share some similar values.

2008-06-13T09:19:55-08:00Tags: |

33 as a repetition

i had the wonderful pleasure of spending the dawning of my 33rd year with a few close friends. i had tried to be as non celebratory as possible but i can’t resist it too much because it’s hard to say no to some excellent french food. certainly i’ve been dreading turning ‘older’, not because i am getting old or anything but more as a stark reminder of the passing of time. time as a very limited quantity and given my lofty ambitions, it seems that there is too much to do tomorrow and truthly for the rest […]

2005-11-20T23:50:27-08:00Tags: |

who will play me?

if i was to trace back my own delusions of grandeur, it would probably be plant sometime in my late teens when i decide to leave the comfort of philly. philly was no means ever really comfortable for me but when i consider the prospects of california and the fine institution that is berkeley, philly would have been a safer bet. alas, having survived and gradutating from berkeley with some diginity, i confidently stumble upon the last great economic boom known as the dot com hyserita. there wasn’t anything i did nor did lady luck smile upon […]

2005-11-08T00:55:24-08:00Tags: |
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