the body of work

sometimes it’s hard to imagaine that i do anything else but live and breathe that is the all consuming big O. like if i was given ‘free’ time i would comment on how boring and unchallenging it was and would demand my money back. i am aware that it has extreme levels of over attention but part of me do just want to push it to where does one really implode from over focused activity. if it wasn’t for yoga, i have a feeling that i would have trip up on the concept awhile ago. i remember […]

2005-06-17T02:07:28-08:00Tags: |

the eve of the chapter two

on this eve of our grand party, it is a mix feeling of great excitement and grave responsiblity. no doubt that feeling most be common in any momeument moment in one life’s, from graduating college to getting married, their is great hope but in the back of the mind, there is the fear that casts doubt. fear is good as long as it doesn’t prevent action. i know this from recent experience as there are days where the fear manifests as indecision and laziness. for more achievement sometimes only beget more responsibities. but we will not explore […]

2005-04-01T02:53:32-08:00Tags: |

the new space!

well, things are coming together pretty quickly now. just last week there was a pile of mess and this week, all the lights are installed and electricity is up. i think this is as close as i want to buying a house. i mean really, i am going to be spending more time in the place of work than any home so gotta make it fun and sexy for the peeps.

2005-03-08T22:37:47-08:00Tags: |

milestone 1.0

_the return of the party _better than buying a house we’re so close to the next level, that i can taste the blood in my mouth. after 3 years of double duty and destructive relationships, we’re about to experience the power and meaning of space. on a professional and personal level, i’ve been looking forward to this milestone on so many levels. i don’t want to sit in front of a computer in my place of refuge (or lack of for) anymore. it’s really fucks with my head that i slide into my executive chair in my […]

2004-12-15T01:46:29-08:00Tags: |

ladies at work

so in the past year, i have caused a couple of employees to break down and cry because of their job performance. sometimes i feel like shit because i have to play the role of demanding better performance from the people that work for orange. given the uncorporate nature of the orginzation, i think people don’t take directives as seriously if they were in other business originzation. i mean it’s hard to take me seriously when i joke about being their janitor and boss. it’s an intentional loose environment that has been created but in light of […]

2004-11-24T23:52:15-08:00Tags: |
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