it’s been a while since i took any formal classes in my all things tibetan education but i had a nice short one day by some western teachers from the yoga studies insitute. overall, there was anything really ‘wow’ as i have heard most of the stuff before but in this new yoga context, i think the experitial nature of yoga practice will facililate the experiatial wisdom of the teachings. the western lama was particular funny and although the material was elementary, i could tell he was quite verse in the teachings. it’s such a bonus to get a western teacher that can articulate so easily because i think most of us take it for granted. during the course of the teaching, they played a tape from a tibetan lama that had recently completed his 3 year retreat and it was one of the first teachings that he was giving out of that retreat (he hadn’t spoken in 3 years). although the lama spoke better english than my dad, it was still exceedingly challenging to understand him. my life seems to be filled with challenging communications opportunities! anyway, i recongized the tibetan lama’s teacher from one of the videos that i had and i felt a certain connection towards him. there’s been a couple of younger lamas that have caught my attention and i will need to seek them out sooner or later. anyway, the tibetan lama was talking about the concept of being a ‘higher’ being. his used the example of a gold medalist and how when a gold medalist believes that he/she is a gold medalist, they will begin to exhibit the qualities that others will use to identity such a person. anyone aspiring to a higher version of themselves will understand the challenages of raising to that higher self. naturally with my recent detour of landmark, i have to recontexutalize some recent insights into a deeper pool of wisdom. by the end of the day, i had some pleasant thoughts on how all these different teachings were beginning to cross paths and made for stronger experitinal understandings. god bless the bay area for it’s rich diversity of the all teachings available to us. time to put some insights into the ass asana.