i actually had a converstation longer than 2 minutes with my dad tonight. i don’t think it made the 10 min mark but it was more meaningful than the traditional lectures that he usuallys gives me. lecture may not be quite the approriate word but our conversations tend to be very simple in nature and mostly a one way converation. as much as i would like to start having a ‘real’ conversation with him, i feel like he would probably get lost with the english after 5 mins, which would be the same for me when the starts going off in vietnamese. accordingly, i should probably write him more often as i can imagaine he can get a translator with he doesn’t understand all the concepts that i am putting forth. regardless, i heard the sadness in his voice tonight as he talking about how he regrets not having taken care of my brother and i earlier and of course, his karma is catching up to him now. he is not asking for much financial aid in terms of dollar amount but at the same time, he doesn’t have much leverage to ask for anything at all. naturally, my brother and i have our own stories of why we can’t contribute that much to his ‘health’ fund. naturally, i know better to just to allow his karma to play out because utlimately it is only an opportunity for my own compassion to assist him as much as i can. knowing that i waste money on stupid things every month also makes it hard to swallow my own bullshit stories. anyway, i heard some spectular advice yesterday at the yoga study class and although i won’t be able to recall the exact phases, they are quite the gems for living a extraordinary life.

when you want something, make sure that everyone else has it first.

when you don’t like something, make sure that you never do it yourself.

i have enough.