i got the opportunity donate my photographic eye a domestic violence shelter in oakland the other day. i thought it was going to be really tough to stomache the situation because it’s actually ‘real life’ versus the all the fun shit i shoot all the time. as it turns out it was ‘fun’ because they use wanted me to take some pictures of the kids so that they can use the photography to get more funding. which is precisely the point of our ‘social photograph program’, we want to give orangizations that can’t usually offer kids like me. obviously, there are countless other pros that donate their time and service but i am glad that it’s systemic in place within our collective culture. shooting these things once a month is not always convienent and such but it does force you to remind yourself why you have such a policy in place. it’s all too easy to forget to donate your time when life is busy and you’re making bucks. anyway, as usual, i had a great time photographing these kids…







