for reasons beyond me, my excitement towards music has increase multifolded in the past several months. actually, i believe the day that i went to amoeba and trade in about 100 of my CDs and got $400 in store credit was a point of significance. previous to that occassion, my new music intake was barely 2 or 3 new artist discovery in a year for the past 5 years! not to say that i discovered a lot of new artists during that music puchase marathon, but the influx of some great albums help reiginite my love for music.

maybe it’s just i am not so distracted with the last relationship that i have some room to love music again. just joking but relationships do take so much time and now i am finding that i am doing a lot more stuff. but i digress, the point is that i’ve discovered some cool sites recently. one is this guy that is giving away a mp3 a day for 365 days. pretty cool project although it’s too early to tell if i will be able to identify with his line of thought. the art of a mix is something i am going to start doing more often. since i’ve decided to digitalize my cd collection of 600 cds or so, i do find great pleasure in creating a mix cd. i created a couple of decent mixes for holidays to give to an assortment of folks but i didn’t take it seriously enough. part of my task as well is picking an approriate photographic image for the mix. it’s quite entertaining to put to two creative animals together. lastly, what’s the point of making a mix without sharing it with your friends. shin gave me a pretty kick ass moodswing mix recently and that was also a motivating factor in my new endevor.