chew on this

“Marrying means to halve one’s rights and double one’s duties”, or even more drastic: “Marrying means, to grasp blindfold into a sack hoping to find out an eel out of an assembly of snakes.” –Arthur Schopenhauer the seed of ignorance in the greatness of genius or is it the glory of genius in the sea of ignorance?

2014-12-31T23:15:35-08:00Tags: , |


i don’t know how long it’s been going on. maybe 6 months, maybe a year or maybe since the start of orange. but of late, it’s been otentisbly obvious that i am under considerable macro and micro stress. the acknowledgement rationalizes the bitter behavoir in my daily toil and although not “loud” in it’s manifest form, it runs deep enough to create a culture of suboptimal productivity. i am reminded of this phenomna through the optimistic words of david lynch. i had the opportunity to catch a webcast and was able to watch through it’s entirely on […]

2014-12-31T23:14:48-08:00Tags: |

flowers for the stupid




i got flowers today from smurfette 3.44 and i explicitly told her that it was improper to express such foolishness. alas, woman never listen to me and i don’t listen to them so it all works out at the end. sure i apprecaite it but it’s better spent feeding the kids than stroking my ego. god bless them all.

2014-12-31T23:32:45-08:00Tags: |

brother is complete.


my brother got married yesterday and i was not in my best form as a photographer. blame it on 4 hours of sleep and not mentally preparing for this pivotal moment in his life. i barely remember that it was happening as i ran out of my office 30 mins before it was suppose to happen at city hall. this is what happens to you when you photograph other people’s wedding; family becomes just another client. i think there was a total of 3 photos of me and half of them were […]

2014-12-31T23:25:30-08:00Tags: |
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