split personalities

let’s cut out the drama and cut out the extreme overtures of complexities. let’s keep it really simple where in one life where is grass is green enough to be enivable. not too green because that would be conscipious but for anyone that can look two inches deeper, they can see the richness of the green. in some respect it can almost on the crusp of greatness. but in the double life, all the greatness of the other life is simply fuel for a fire of sublime gloriousness. there was once a great movie line saying along […]

2006-02-20T00:55:23-08:00Tags: |

meta dialogues



Can you honestly step out of human constructs? Can you describe outside of our language?

Show me the way


the problem is the very foundation of your inquiry is is questionable. i realize that the questions we are the ‘next’ level of human thought/evolution but sometimes i have to question the foundation of the nature of our constructs. all these things are interesting questions but the very core of the greatest question is what is our true potential as human? is it scientific achievement, aristic expression or any other worthy endeavor within the contstucts of our own making. if […]

2008-06-13T09:18:44-08:00Tags: |

Great Art and Great Dharma

got an email from an older friend on a similar path. what is all this seperation we ask. Great Art and Great Dharma The artist’s dilemma and the meditator’s are, in a deep sense, equivalent. Both are repeatedly willing to confront an unknown and to risk a response that they cannot predict or control. Both are disciplined in skills that allow them to remain focused on their task and to express their response in a way that will illuminate the dilemma they share with others. And both are liable to similar outcomes. The artist’s work is prone […]

2006-01-18T13:35:20-08:00Tags: |

entertaining god

i’ve been watching a lot of classic flims recently, mostly the black and white kind and of the foreign language persuasian. i figure back in the old days when special effects wasn’t all that then the directors would be force to focus on more interesting stories. i am sure there’s plenty of shit b&w films but my recent selection has been respectable and though provoking. first it was the seven seal and then tonight, through the darkly glass; both by Ingmar Bergman. apparently, the director had quite a relgious influence when he was growing up and the […]

2005-12-28T00:32:57-08:00Tags: |

ikiru (to live)

just saw the movie of the above title tonight and it’s all too although seemingly not comparable to my own life, i can’t help but see parallels. granted that i have the ‘passion’ for my ‘work’, there comes a price that is being paid with compound interests for every day i am engrossed in IT. it would be simpler to be in a state of misfortune for truth seems less dim when you’re a place of darkness. alas, i count my blessings and curse them at the same time. how many times will i play this record? […]

2005-12-22T02:45:21-08:00Tags: |
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