it seems to happen enough for me to question the soundness of my opinion. sometimes i think i am full of shit and i want my friends to call me on it but it doesn’t seem to be the case. from my point of view, i seem to have a lot quite strong opinions on matters by which i have little experience with. sometimes i feel a slight pang of regret after advising my friends on these subject matters but it goes away pretty quickly. at the end of the day, i don’t think i am really saying anything new or they haven’t heard before. what intrigues me is to how i’ve come to these strong opinions. in as much as what percentage of the opinion is based upon direct experience, wisdom or simply egoistical in nature. my conjecture would be more along the lines of egoistical as my little friend has grown considerably since he was kicked in the balls. with the recent failure of our product launch, i have been humbled enough to recommitted myself into a number couple years of solidarity confinement.