i was sharing my experience on a date a few days ago and i was slightly surprise to hear the positive feedback around my state of being. she had asked what i thought i could attribute it to and the gut response was my state of being is highly correlated to my consistent meditation practice. even more so ever, the insight from vision quest continues to help me see relationships more clearly on what i want to cultivate with each person. really grateful for all these wisdom practices coming to some fruition on some level . meanwhile, i am back on the saddle of online dating and even though i’ve met a few interesting people of late, my desire to start a relationship has wane in the past year. i still believe that i want to develop a few deeper and more intimate relationships but the sense of urgency and the desire for finding a more suitable fit has left me with pretty slim pickings. which is to say, it’s another marathon of a project for me. just have to be open to the possibility and trying without being attached to outcome.