i recently experience hard physical evidence that i was getting ‘old’. for me, i had consider old was when your body stops working for you. when you’re young and things break, you mostly think you will be again at some point. you don’t think it will just stop working. well, my eyes recently deteriorate to a new level. i guess i recently have also become farsighted. at first i just thought it was the prescription in the new glasses but even as i was switching back to my old glasses, i couldn’t shake the fact that i couldn’t easily read the time on my watch. it was frustrating for a while and then i talked to this other person that was about my same age and she said that in our mid forties, it’s quite common to develop the need for bifocals! it was a nice mental slap in the face because for the past year, i was feeling like i have never been healthier in my life. i was feeling very grateful that i had finally reach this harmonious balance between work, life and family with ground of physically and spiritual fitness. well, i think that just writing it out has allow me to accept this change. i am going to just flow like the river.