the subject is sort of a sore topic for me. given all the ‘spiritual’ progress i’ve made, it’s one of the reminding obstacles that i have yet to transcend. the subject was brought up again casually over my vacation break in san diego and sadly it torments me because i am unable to break my meat eating habit. i am feeling like i need to give it a go this year. i don’t think my transformation would be ‘complete’ without becoming a vegetarian. previously, i had hope that my significant other would be a vegetarian and i would adopt that modality but i am beginning to lost hope in that cheap way out. i suspect that if i position it like any other type A goal orientation that i could achieve it. as it’s apparent that the spiritual motivation behind it lacks the power to change my behavior. it’s hammer time!

ps. a few weeks later i have decided i am going to be a weekday vegetarian and new program is actually working!