_she was the first

_sister of the first

_it doesn’t take much to reveal

_by far the best combination of features

_by far the most interesting

it’s been a while since i’ve gone to a party and there is enough interesting light to make all the pretty people even more interesting. it was one of those nights where a woman actually came up to me and said ‘you look as bored as hell.’ of course she was right so i had to take steps to resolve that look. i normally avoid drinking on the job these days but i had my trusty friend that i picked up from new york and a couple of clear drinks to ease my bordom. for some reason, today’s party remained me of a bunch of republicians but really, these were liberal people having a good time of their tax write off. still, it’s all a pretense that makes a good cause corrupted. anyway, there were tons of single interesting woman woman at the ‘fundraiser’ and it’s a perfect hunting ground for the liberal gentlemen. it’s hard to fake my disinterest so it’s rather pitful when i chat with any of the ladies there. they can tell i am just there to get stupid photos of them having a good time but sometimes i fantasize i can meet one of the lowly workers that have more class than the ladies at the party. actually, it’s a good exercise for me because it’s a chance for me to put in to practice compassion on more fortunate people. even more so, it’s a glimpse of a world that is all too practical given my tendencies towards good causes and a good time.