tonight we celebrate the coming out of the sexual intellecutals, otherwise known the thinking man’s porn. some may argue that it’s just a matter of aestheic, because fundmentally porn is simply the objection of body, be it woman or women. we laid it out on the table for all to analyze and rationalize. it would be far easy to dismiss it as the cancer of humanity but even in the negivity , it serves as a counter point existence. the seed of desire, wholesome as the purity of love or indulgunce of pornogrpahy, lies within each one of us. it seems quite ridicliouis to compare those two concepts in the same sentence, but why do the tibetans view the chinese as their greatest teacher? granted, the question of choice comaes into play but some will argue that they can’t deny the influential river of emotion that runs deep within their soul. liberation through exhaustion? is their such a sutra? it is no different than smoking a cig or any other substance abuse. anything can lock the body into a system of action bounded by habitual routines. even know, i feel like shit whenever i eat meat because i am simply caught in it’s hibutual patterns. the trangression of the meat eater in relative context to the objection of the flesh is overwhelmingly appalling.