in a classic extreme lifestyle scheduling, after a fairly first party at the new space, i had a 4 hour yoga work shop with an intereting yoga teacher that intergrates the practice with a number schools of buddhism. the first hour was mentally painful as i am trying to refrain from my head imploding because i didn’t drink any water before passing out with a stomache filled with the hottest thai dish this side of the pacific.

anyway, i was drawn to the workshop because her primary tibetan teacher was someone i had taken a retreat with. i was impressed by how she integrates the practices and the language she uses with non buddhists in describing the intentions at hand. in short, she confirmed something that i have clearly suspected for some time about my yoga practice. for me, it’s not so much about yoga as a way to achieve a healthier lifestyle (it’s just secondary benefit) but it is a foundational practice to promote prolong meditation. not that i am any where near extended meditation but i expect if i continue with this yoga practice, it will help me 10 years from now when the shit really starts to kick. most of my daily experience now is really still in the prelimarny stages – from the business to my inquiry into the nature of woman and babies. naturally, the workshop had about 70 women to 5 guys so it was yet one more reason why more nice guys should take yoga.