maybe it’s because we don’t get out enough. maybe we have a lot of pent up things to release. or we simply crave the need to be silly and not. either way, sometimes after a night of binge drinking and talking about the two most important things in our dreadful existence, art and ladies, we wake up to apologizes and bewilderment. the conversations are always fun and interesting but i think the drinking dilutes its sensibility. regardless, we know that we can talk on this highly loud abstract levels unless we’re partaking in our scot tasting routines. a sober monkey is a working monkey. a less than sober monkey likes to make fun of himself and everybody that smells like him.

it all started at 111 minnia. some of us was still in geek mode when we had our can of guiness but by the time the wiggling started talking to us, we remember why the geek in us only wants to stay at home. i mean drinking and talking shit in the comfort of scot is great but what happens when you have to deal with wiggling and the ramifications of synchoized wiggling. in the party of committed bohiems to their art and ladies, we wonder why we torture ourselves by sneaking out of our little holes and partake our ritual in such a public place. anyway, it’s already noon and i just drank my first cup of tea. i am way behind my morning ritual and even want to go to yoga to exercise my sore mind.