i went to see “ayurveda, the art of being” last night at the red vic and it was pretty inspiring. the holistic science of medicine that originated in india is the basis of many other holistic health systems such as tibetan and chinese actupunture. i’ve had a cursory knowledge of the concepts within the science but it was great to see actual real life examples how the science is applied to heal people. one of the most interesting part of the film was in regards to that the idea that disease originate in the mind and if we can control our mind, we can control diseases. obviously, it’s quite an oversimplifiation but the harmony of the mind, body and spirit as the pillars of a well being is being to be deeply rooted in my belief. the more i do yoga and meditate, the more i sense the connection between the pillars. certainly, i agree with the assessment that the genearl malaise of western culture is excesss in so much that we do. from the consumption of natural resources to the consumption of mental stimulation. alas, nothing to do and no where to go with this one.
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