talk about personal questions. how many times have you been interview and they ask you if you’ve been touch in certain places and what’s your view towards homosexuality?! so, i enter the world of mentoring boys and girls. i am applying to be be a mentor for kids at an elementary school and i got drill like i just commit one crime against humanity. in light of all the child abuse that has caught media attention of late, i can understand why. certainly, it is not minor responsiblitly to be a role model for some one in an active fashion. i guess in my own why is saw it as practice in raising a kid. i think the most funny aspect of the interview as when i started talking about my ex girlfriend. the intervieweer explicitly asks if my present or previously relationships would have any postive or negative effect on being a mentor. at first, i just sort laughed at the question but then i stated that i was viewed as a mentor in my last relatioinship but i didn’t that up the gaunlet to be a mentor. hence, in choosing to be a mentor to a “child”, i would be more aware of my behavior and would actively take more of a leadership role. at any rate, i think it turn out positive towards the end and the only minor comfortable questions was my drug use. i didn’t lie but i was obviously uncomtable about the question.

nonetheless, by the end of the process, i had a strong suscipcion that the interviewer gave me a thumbs up. i think the funniest part about the interview was when she asked me what i wanted out of life now? like what’s missing in my life and i said nothing. she sorta laughed and said that can’t be true and i can understand her perspective. i keep going back to the thought that yes, there are things i can want but really for me it’s about trying to appreacaite all that i have, which is too much really.