so, i need a break from writing the business plan for my company. it’s a pretty different exercise from my hapazpard streams of consciousness and bad spelling that has plaugue this blog since the beginning of time. as much as i enjoy writing the business plan, it actually requires me to think and currently i don’t have enough tea in me to think clearly. It’s sorta funny that we’re writing our business plan after a year of operation but it’s better late than never. it’s actually nice to look back on what we’ve done in the past year and plan our business around our foundation. As much as people tend to think that photography is a creative endeavor, we’ve focused more on the business side of that endeavor. But again, that’s the key difference between us than most photographers. Most photographers work alone in their creative endeavor and we’re working collectively to create a more balanced lifestyle. That’s always been my main driving force around this endeavor, to live a more balanced life. The success of the company and the growth of my photography skills are secondary to art of living. still i am confident that we will be successful by standard means of measurement but we should always be happy during the process. I think the most interesting exercise of this whole endeavor is the intergration of my spiritual beliefs into the business and creative activities. No doubt, i see the integration of all the various versions of the self as part of the deconstruction of the self.