i read any interesting blog entry this morning and it got me thinking about my own actions in the past year. without being totally aware of it, i am adopting a more tranparent model in my life. it’s more apparent in the work context but even as i look back at my blog enrtires, i feel like i’ve been pretty tranparent in it for the most part. of course there is some self censorship but it is mostly unedited stream of conscious. i am feeling that thate is a sesnes of freedom that one experiences when things are tranparent. physicology i feel like i accept my imperfect self more when i am tranparent. the less i have to cover up about myself, the more at eae i feel. i think one teacher carlled it care free dignity. i love the conept because using your internal values to set your outward expression comes with much freedom. needless to say, that there is still much to improve upon but that desire to continus improve and a steady acceptance of the slef is a powerful combination.