i had taken uma swimming around the time she was 1 years old and it didn’t seem like a big deal at the time. she didn’t respond too much to the water and wasn’t very ‘active’. so i decided that she was too young to absorb the swimming lessons. boy, was i wrong. now, she’s two and she reacts really negatively to the water. she was clinging to me like spider to on glue! it was sad and funny at the same time. she finally got around to being a tiny bit more comfortable at the end but i am going to cherish this day. she’s already quite the independent toddler so clinging on daddy for just a tad longer is okay with me. and tonight, we lost her pacifier and she was whining for an hour after i put her to sleep. being the geeky dad, i was watching her roll around in bed for a while. i finally gave in an laid down with her and i count my blessings as she cuddle up to me and said, i love you daddy.