even though i made the decision last night, this particular methodology was not for me, i felt like i had to go this morning. i know the story they binded me to was that you had agree to attend all the sessions but i am acting unreasonable and don’t care about looking bad. the cost – intergrity to a originziation that i will not be patronage to. i am wholly into the intergrity concept but at the end of the day, the concept is only a concept. anyway, within the first 90 mins, i am text messaging a landmark graduate that i need to leave. the sales pitch is annoying the hell out of me. yeah, i can just accept the problem or i can simply leave. i decided to hang until after the punch line, even though i know what it is already. wahoo. it’s rather interesting watching people react to the punch line and it’s implication. i comment to a guy next to me, ‘remember matrix? welcome to the real world.”. yeah, be entertained and get something meaningful out of it. by the end of the whole performance, i can’t help but feel a slight sense of disillusionment. not from what i was expecting out of the education but from the sense that i had saw the wizard of oz from behind the curtain. as i walking home from the dinner break, i debate the relative stories of why i will not be returning that night or the following tuesday night. i am not going to discount the value i got from the education but at the end of the day, i find the methodology too disagreeable to continue the story that i need a break through and have to enroll people to validate that break through. done. if i was to go back, it would be only to connect to finish some interesting conversations but i am done with the converstaions as well. even all the interestings ladies are really just false pretenses for me to return. naturally, i am glad i went through the experience and would recommend it to other people. at the end of the day, i feel emotionally exhausted after all the internal crying from hearing people’s stories. it’s like watching a sappy movie that makes you cry but mutiple it 10x because this is real life. but i catch myself, is it really or only a enviroment constructed to foster such “breakthroughs”? yeah, people cried and so what. it means noting.