this past weekend was a tiny reminder on some of the ‘perks’ of being an event photographer, even though 98% of it is boring as hell. on the rare occasions, where i am shipped to a nice resort to photograph the local playboy millionare bachelor’s birthday, then i remember, it’s not too bad if i get to cherry pick the nice gigs. it’s even more entertaining when birthday man invites mostly woman of physical and intellectual distinction to celebrate the passing of a seemingly never ending youth. i can’t really say that these women are really out of my ‘league’ but there is definitely a social barrier of being at ‘work’ during the function. i am usually making friends with the other workers during these things but i am definitley in that grey area. because i have a prior reputation of being a ‘great’ photographer and half of the people there know me on some level, the social barrier isn’t as dense. And so, i find myself in quite a great situational circumstance to develop that social life that people keep asking me about. There were a few women receptive to my demeanor but i still unable to cross that mental barrier on what happens afterwards. in effect, it would be an accurate gauge of my interest that if i even think about the implication, then it’s too much work in mental already. i find that the details will take care of itself if the movivation and interest is strong in enough. alas, i am left to flirt with the ladies with the camera and it was definitely a good night for that.