_not normally this funny but still adorable

if i were to make a generalization about swedish women, i would say they’re allllright. i meet two of of them in the past 6 months and i must say, i do enjoy their charm. as matter of fact, maybe it has nothing to do with them being swedish but maybe ‘european’ ladies all have this innate qaulity. highly doubtful but not 100% chaos thereory either.

so, i continue to venture down the path of professional taboos. if i was the supposed woman ‘hater’ that i joke about, i should not being working with swedish assitants that are as funny as me. but since i can’t resist the temptations of the almighty one, i find myself in more entertaining circumstances than my prescriped dosage permits. this naturally leads to more resistance but at the same knowing that further resistance will only lead to a greater self destruction. bless us for the temptation they have provided but curse them for the weakness of men.