_more sexuality with duck tape than most with nine inch nails
an old friend called me tonight and did a major yank on my chains. not only did i give into when i’ve tried to deny but i was ever so grateful for friends like him. yeah, i’ve been having a lot of mental yanking lately. jolting myself out of self constructed frameworks that binds ever so more tightly than any external force. it’s good to realize that it’s still possilbe to surprise myself and remind myself of the nature of city of life. so much to offer but so little appreacaited. and that is why i want to leave it all but i’ve neglected what is in front of me. i know it doesn’t matter where we are, we are present but it is necessary to walk the path of darkness. the sweet will only be sweeter by the bitterness.
within less than 30 mins, i readjusted a major minor course correction. the decision to embrace the vision as it stands today is the triumph. it was also the triumph and necessaity of relationships. life is good, to lay witness to such lightning realizations. to give in to the intution, to trust the inner voice. you would like i decided to be a dad or something but it’s not so glamourous. still, the decision will allow me to build upon a momentum upon my return to the scripted world.