so, i had wonderful pleasure of spending a friday evening in a part of the city as foreign as the french. make no mistake, it was no accident that we ended in the neighbor of the well lubricated. i think it is good practice for the soul of my types. entertaining to say the least but the most valuable lession of the evening was a recurring theme in my life. stubtley has never been been my strong suit nor my ability to detect it. what comes as a surprise to me on too many numerous outings is the miss opportunity of non verbal communication. naturally, the ironically of it all is now i get paid to document those subtle fleeting moments of presence. so, it has come to my attention that it is not so much that i am missing that subtle dynamicism but more likely i am simply choosen a path of mild igornance. whrereas true ignorance completely fails to acknowledge such glorious moments of perfect connection.
sometimes i should regret my ignorance on such intgriuing subtlies. i wonder how unbelieveable my life would be if i could act upon such synchocitity. certainly my dismal track record of intimacy would be more entertaining now than the short list of great moments in non self absorption. if i think about it deeply enough and trusted that instinct, those miss moments would easily equal to a case of scotch because each of those moment lingers delciouisly as much the peaty rolling fields of the single malt heartland. to savior such richness in the tip of your tongue is to suck the marrow out of life as one great man once said. nights like last night are very important in these dark years of entreperiusm. these nights will be the coal that fuel the growth of empire, that which the almightly ego, which will invaribly be constructed merely for self destruction. these nights are density of fibres of life that will on the hearth of the spiritual hammer.