so it always seem inevitable that the issue of money and its implication come to play in the evoluation of relationships. the root of the matter is does the person that have more money have more control of the relationship? I think the answer is obvious but i don’t necessary think that the line of reasoning is always the same in each relationship. money can be use as leverage in a relationship but the question of control is a relative matter. I have never consciously use money as a means of control; for the concept of controlling anything beyond myself is a tiresome business. At any rate, even if i was guilty of it on a subsciousness level, i hope that my line of logic redeems me from this touchy issue. Fundmentally, it’s an issue of self relanice and self responsilibity as it relates to the management of money. Until solemen vows are taken that disolves the self from the other, i don’t see myself binding to anything but the manifestions of my own value system. Since i do believe the only worth of a person is his/her word, thus i rarely make any promises much less any vows of commitment. Even now, in my nth year of study of the mind, i have yet to taken any precepts to bind one to the path. Nonetheless, I digress but the digression is significant in that I can’t talk about money without bringing in the whole array of belief system that supports that teritiary view about money.

Maybe I need to reread all the articles in Utne Reader again because their latest issue is all about money. How it relates to us on a global and intimate level. Still, I don’t think that my own conclusion is widely different that those that have been pithy stated in the articles. On a relative reality, monteary wealth can be a liberating experience but it falls flat in the final stretches. To be honest, i completely lost this line of thought so it’s been good knowing you.