what happens when my lady friend leaves me for three weeks? i get sucked hard into the world geekdom and even more geekdom. so i’ve been spending the last week preping the two new servers we bought for the company. anyway, the migration from one machine to two machines was finally finished last night at 2am. Not that i’ve been stressing for the last past week about this but for some reason time flew by so quickly because there isn’t so much of a seperation between work and play. i guess the interesting thing i’ve come to realize recently is i definitely have a problem with balance on the more subtle level. i was thinking about this aspect in yoga today because my balance is so terrible when it comes to the practice. i do believe there is some sort of correlation between my body and my life. on the surface, i am decent in the yoga practice but when it comes down to the fine nuance, i falter madly. regardless, my lady friend is coming back on monday and i am very much looknig forward to her presence in my life.