naturally, it seems like ever other party that i shoot, there’s always a woman that catches my eye more often than usual. tonight was no exception and although the photo i got of her really does no justice, i realize she may not have been the most photogenic. it’s one of those case where they are more interesting to be around than just looking at in a photograph. still, the thing that always catches my eye is their eyes. at first, i did my usual photographer’s prevlige of looking everyone with a bit of intensity to determine if i should take a picture of them or not. so, after one too many glimpses at her, i think she caught on that i was eyeing her but not taking any pictures. but this is where i really blow it because the ex is still in the back of my mind. at one point, she is blantantly returning serious eye contact with a wink wink and i am just being a loft about it. at the point, i should i stop and said what the hell is your name but instead i am thinking about the ex. anyway, it apparent to me that i need to stay away from woman for a while but it’s brutal when i have to go out and take pictures of them for the crew. alas, the bitching life of a photographer.

_the one that got away