my time in the desert

it’s been more than a year and half since i’ve participated in my first vision quest. undoubtedly, one of the more brave things i did not because it physically scare me to go into the desert whilst on a fast and without any shelter or distractions. i’ve done enough meditation retreats where solitude and silent was cherished by my soul. only in hindsight did i understand why it was a brave thing to stare into my original wound and coms to terms with it in very visceral and conscious manner. meanwhile, 10 other strangers came to […]



in my typical fashion, i didn’t think too much about the implication of signing up for 120 mile race at high elevation when in reality i was wholly unprepared for such a physical feat. As I spoke to other participants on how they prepare for the adventure, my suspicion was confirmed that I was mostly out of my league. Which is not to say that there weren’t other less prepared racers and when compared to them, i would have done fine. of course in hindsight, i did pretty good considering how little i train. pretty good meaning […]


Running Crater Lake

A friend finally got some decent photos of me doing what i love most when i am out in nature. All the training in the oakland hills pays off on days like this when i am running up decent elevation and snow!





joshusa tree national park

I made the mistake of trying to see too many places in a short period of time. I took the RV down to southern cal for a little winter vacation and even though LA, palm springs and Joshua Tree national park is not that far apart of each other, I particularly dislike the 10 hour drive home by myself! I think this is the 3 national park i went to this year and again, i spent way too little time in it. It had been over 10 years since i last visit joshua tree and i was […]

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