
invariably, i have to censor myself for different reasons as some entries pertain to some of my readers. i should have been publishing more in the past month since so much has happened to me in a very emotionally positive matter. it was in part one reason why i had to recently notified a long time friend on the nature of my happiness. it was unfortunate that my happiness could adversely effect him so i had much to consider before finally communicating it. the main question was when was the ‘appropriate’ time and i am still unsure […]

2014-12-31T23:09:55-08:00Tags: |

the return to normalacy

so i am sitting at dinner at one of my favorite faux high class vietnamese restaurant, le soliel, tonight having dinner with my mom and brother. add one of my old child hood friend (and his mom) in the mix and it’s like the brady bunch, viet cong style! some part of me find it incredibly hard to believe that within a month’s time, that i would be having dinner with my mom. talking about things as if everything was normal. i am not sweating over anything as it’s all good and dandy but it just leads […]

2014-12-31T23:19:43-08:00Tags: |


when i consider how much i accomplished in a short 24 hours, i have to wonder how much inefficiency there is in regular life. in effect, i didn’t really do that much but i found amazing was my ability to shift mental states so easily. this may be one of my strengths that i am beginning to make note of. if i was to think about even deeper, it actually may be the ability to be more present with whatever i am doing. even though there’s still a lot of thinking from moment to moment, i still […]

2014-12-31T23:18:59-08:00Tags: |

she bangs my drum

it’s unfortunate that i won’t be able to publish this entry until she breaks up with me, but maybe one day i will pull the trigger regardless. certainly, i think it’s rather funny that she is asking me about my ex, of which inspired this whole blog job. to be honest and yet reserve enough to preserve the privacy of the parties involved in a challenging task when i am sober. one of these one of these involved parties will quote something from these entries and i will just laugh at them. if they are going to […]

2014-12-31T23:18:25-08:00Tags: |
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