in the course of a day at work, there are probably hundreds of things i don’t like doing and maybe 5 or 10 that i actually enjoy that particularly day. interesting enough, the 5 things that i may enjoy one day can be on the list of dislikes the other. yes, sometimes i dislike photography and tonight would be a fine example of that case. more often than not, the kind of the photography i do the majority of the time is genearlly not much more than fodder for a photo blog. and then there are times when i like the strategizing and resource management of the business. i think it so funny that line between great failure and great success seems to get thinner as the months go by. one of the recent noteable teachings that been recurring quite often in my mind is the concept of non binding to likes and dislikes. i do think it’s a particalurly powerful exercise in many ways. for example, my ego complains to me when i have to take out the trash in the office or some other low level tasks. but on the other hand, the ego also enjoys the humility of the experience of being about to take out the trash in your own studio. anyway, all this thought about dislike and like has invoke the demons of self analysis. demons aren’t fun before bedtime.