since i started yoga a few months ago, i’ve gotten a routine that i pretty much look forward to every week. interesting enough, i have plan my work schedule on when i can go to yoga. for example, business meetings always happen have 2pm so i can do my noon yoga class! however, i’ve been going to the evening yoga classes as well because i dislike going home during rush hour and my reward for staying late in the city is my weekly turtle tower fix. the waiter that works at turtle tower pretty much knows i either get my northern style pho or chicken noodle soup. i’ve been having more success with getting up earlier to mediate as well. the simple act of making my tea the night before has allow me to roll out of bed and get my instant caffeine kick and roll straight into meditation. i am seeing this pattern where if i can ‘reward’ myself for that positive behavior, then i am more likely to create that habit. now if i can just transfer that type of positive reinforcement with the employees, i would be making progress as an effective manager.