haven’t had much luck with roommates this past year in terms of longevity. the last two moved out after 3-4 month stint at my place for different reasons. more recently, i tried a different approach with a roommate and invited an older chinese woman with two college ages kids. i am hoping the fact that she’s had kids of her own and that she is asian brings more understanding to my living situation. the last roommate at issues with my parenting styling and although i don’t want to put too much weigh on her opinion, it influence the decision on my current roommate. this new roommate continues to tradition of being Buddhist as well, but definitely more hardcore than the previous too. she’s taken more serious commitments with the 8 precepts and have given up a lot of things like no meat, alcohol, and etc. her material possession is also super minimal as well and it’s pretty inspiring. compared to my volume of things, i am almost embrassed by how much i have accumulated. alas it is one of my addictions that i would like to work on next year. in the past year, the things i have purchased are mostly NICE things to have. the RV is being the granddaddy of it all. i was hoping that i exhausted this desire by just getting all the things i ever wanted but i suspect that’s another grand illusion that my ego is playing for me. next it will be the accumulation of experiences on the RV. a lot of more work needs to be done for sure in terms of the personal growth.